Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 2: Sea of Galilee, Mount of Beatitudes, Tabgha (Church of Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes), Capernum, Jordan River

This was just the most amazing day!!! If I had not been taking notes in my notebook all day, I would not be able to remember right now all the places we visited, and especially the details about them. But it is late, almost eleven, so I don't know how much detail I will put in here. I will at least put the outline of the day and later fill in the missing pieces (although if each day is to be as intense as this first one, there might not be time for any catching up :)

After an amazingly tasty breakfast at the hotel at 7:30am (I will take pictures of the buffet tomorrow), we took a boat ride on Sea of Galilee (Lake Tiberias). The lake was beautiful and peaceful. Fr. Meletios told us a bit about the history, geography of the region. The shape of the hills surrounding the lake, the landscapes has not changed much since the time of Christ.

Next we went to the Church of The Beatitudes, where the Sermon of the Mount described in the Gospel of St Mathew took place. Today there is a Catholic church on this spot.

Next was Tabgha, the site of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes. It was first built in 350, then rebuilt later. Inside there under the catholic altar is visible the rock on which Christ is believed to have sat when performing the miracle.  A lot of the floor mosaic dates to original church, even though it war rebuilt around 480.

Next we went to Capernum, where Jesus lived at Peter's house. This is where He performed many miracles, including the healing of Peter's mother-in-law, the healing of paralyzed man who was lowered through the roof of the house, the healing of Roman centurion's daughter, the healing of 10 leppers (of which only one, a foreigner, a Samaritan, returned say "Thank you"). Today there is a Catholic church built over the site of the house of Peter, which looks like a space ship.

Then one more stop in Capernum at the Greek Orthodox Church. It is the most beautiful church we have seen so far!!! This church is also known as Church of the 12 Apostles.

We were making our way all the way around the Sea of Galilee. For lunch, we stopped at a Ein Gev Fish Restaurant in a kabutz - a farming community. Many Jews live in such communities, where they share everything. Most are based on agriculture. Israel is a leading country in the development and implementation of new farming techniques.

Next stop was the River Jordan, by now we are on the west bank of the Lake, heading towards the southern end. The place where the Lord's baptism took place is in the militarized zone in Jordan, so the pilgrims and tourists get a spot a bit upstream. Fr. Meletios blessed us all with the water from the Jordan river (us, and a few other tourists who stepped up to get blessed by him).

Our final stop was an Orthodox Monastery in Tiberias (where we are staying at our hotel). Then "home" for rest and dinner.  It was a very full day and I better go to bed!!! Love to all!

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